Action C.1: Reservoir in forest Bükk

In the course of the action a water reservoir in the Bükk forest area will be created in order to provide a continuous water supply for the Alluvial forests with Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior (Alno-Padion, Alnion incanae, Salicion albae) situated along the stream Darvas. The water supply is ensured along the stream Darvas. Positive changes will be in the ground water level by improving living conditions for targeted habitats, stable stocks with expanding areas, supplanting invasives due to the increased ground water level and decrease in the damages caused by Melolontha melolontha.

A water reservoir will be built on the Darvas stream. Catchment reservoir will be dammed with an approximately 105 m long barrage on the stream. Around 1 ha area can be covered by water. The storage capacity of the proposed reservoir is 10.200 m3. The water catchment area is 15,6 km2, with a water yield of 608.400 m3 in the December-April period and 164.208 m3 in the June-August period. The amount of water stored may be reduced by evaporation or by runoff to underground streams. Surplus water will be channelled back to the stream bed through a gutter system. Despite evaporation and possible dryer periods, this yield is sufficient to keep an adequate water level in the proposed storage area for providing a delicate water support for the priority habitat. 

Planned implementation period: October 2014 – March 2015 


Action C.2: Conservation of Lake Baláta

Being a unique marshland, Lake Baláta is a nature protection zone with a high national priority. For the conservation of the lake and its rare flora and fauna its management plan emphasise the need for the optimalisation and control of its water level. Lake Baláta is situated at the border area of the Rinya water-system and the southern water-catchment area of the Lake Balaton, the only source of its water supply rain accumulated from some 531,52 ha. In dryer periods, the water level drastically falls. On the north-west side of Lake-Baláta there can be found a drainage trench (Zala-Somogy border-trench), which transports the excess-water of the lake. To ensure the stable water level, a water-level control object will be built.

Planned implementation period: October 2014 – March 2015 


Action C.3: Eliminating Alluvion of Lakes Kűvölgy #1 and #2 

Kaszó Zrt. is already operating two lakes since 2000 in between sections 26+280-26+900 km of the Rinya of Taranya. The creation of the lakes took place with the establishment of valley-closing barrages. Their water level is largely depending on the value of the arriving water. In dryer periods, the upper lake tends to dry out, while the level of water decreases to 0,5 metres in the other lake. The aim of the action is restoring the original state of the two existing and currently operating lakes of the Kűvölgy system and thus resettling its original function. In the course of the action an average 70 cm deep mud will be eliminated from the two existing lakes, meaning the dredging of some 10.421 m3 of mud. The exploited mud - after a 2-year drying period - will be analysed and after the discussions with the relevant authorities will be slathered on a proper area.

Planned implementation period: January 2014 – March 2016 


Action C.4: Enlargement of Lakes Kűvölgy (Lake #3)

Although the two already existing lakes (Kűvölgy #1 and #2) are operating on the same level and the infrastructure makes possible to raise the water level in the upper lake, these lakes cannot store enough water for the dryer periods, therefore priority habitat down the stream of the Rinya of Taranya suffer a serious damage. The enlarging the water reservoir of Lakes Kűvölgy will provide a continuous water supply along the Rinya (stream) of Taranya. By having higher ground water level in the area of the action, favourable living conditions will be achieved for the priority habitat.

The valley-closing barrage of Lake #3 will be built at section 26+900km of the Rinya of Taranya. In order to minimize the distraction of environment, the barrage is planned to be built in between the existing dust roads and border lines of forestry operation zones. In the closing section of Lake #3 there already exists a higher constructed dust road, which the existing lakes are bulking on. The water transfer is supported by an open sluice. Lake #3 will be dammed with an approximately 68-meter long barrage. Around 4,85 ha area can be covered by water. The storage capacity of the proposed Lake #3 is 52.600,00 m3. 

Planned implementation period: October 2014 – March 2015 


Action C.5: Enlargement of Lakes Kűvölgy (Lake #4)

As a continuation of action C.4, this action proposes to further enlarge the Kűvölgy lake system. The valley-closing barrage of Lake #4 will be built at section 27+900km of the Rinya of Taranya. Lake #4 will be dammed with an approximately 70-meter long barrage. Around 2,89 ha area can be covered by water. The storage capacity of the proposed Lake #4 is 25.400,00 m3.

Planned implementation period: October 2014 – March 2015 


Action C.6: Retention of watercourses

The aim of this action is to slightly slow down the flow and to retain water in the Rinya of Taranya and its streamlets, related watercourses. Using natural materials, bottom-thresholds, bottom-steps will be installed. In between these thresholds, based on the landforms, there remain varying sizes and depths of water bodies. The creation of these steps will be elaborated in between sections 24+520 –31+858 km, 0+000 – 8+931 km sections of Darvas stream, 0+000 – 4+439 km sections of Halas-trench and in between sections 1+926 – 5+821 km of Kűvölgy-trench. Adding up, a 24,603 km long section of the watercourses are concerned. Based on the landform, the bottom thresholds will be installed in varying distances counting an average of 100 metres. This means that approximately 230 bottom thresholds, bottom steps will be placed out.

Planned implementation period: October 2014 – March 2015 


Action C.7: Reconstruction of service roads

The aim of this action is to reconstruct the existing service roads, that connect the location of important action area in our project. These roads are in a severe condition: they are damaged in certain places and in lower landforms they are under water in case of a wet period. Their reconstruction requires local works, which means minor landfilling and minor landworks. The shallower sections would be strengthen and risen up in order to ensure they can be used in case of floods deriving from extremely wet periods. The parameters of the roads are not going to be changed. The length of the service road system to be reconstructed is about 6 km. 

Planned implementation period: October 2014 – March 2015 


Action C.8: Suppression of invasive species

Due to the lower ground water level the invasive plant species conquered several valuable areas within the project area. These species reproduce themselves successfully and may suppress the species with higher water demand. Prunus serotina, Solidago gigantean and Aster species – as invasive plants – will be eliminated in order to rehabilitate degraded Alluvial forests with Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior (Alno-Padion, Alnion incanae, Salicion albae) habitats. 

Planned implementation period: January 2014 – August 2018