Nature conservation actions begun summer 2015.
Action C1: Reservoir in forest Bükk
During the reconstruction of the Bükk reservoir trees were removed to grant access, the existing embankment was covered with a new layer of topsoil, the old regulation structure replaced with a new one, the barrage banked up, widened, stilted and wave protection constructed.
Action C2: Conservation of Lake Baláta
The construction works took place in January 2016. A by-pass was installed to regulate the run-off from Lake Baláta.
Action C3: Eliminating Alluvion of Lakes Küvölgy #1 and #2
Kűvölgy #2 was dredged, the dried mud used at road reconstruction and embankment construction works. At Kűvölgy #1 the embankment got reinforced. Work ended on 15 December 2015.
Action C4: Enlargement of Lakes Kűvölgy (Lake #3)
At Kűvölgy #3 a spillway structure was constructed, the existing embankment was reinforced, stilted, covered with a new layer of topsoil and wave protection built.
Action C5: Enlargement of Lakes Kűvölgy (Lake #4)
Operations begun with tree removal, then the embankment covered with topsoil, spillway and outlet tower installed. The dam was banked up and wave protection constructed.
Action C6: Retention of watercourses
The work took place in January 2016. On the selected streams, bottom thresholds or steps were installed on 100 metres intervals to slow the flow.
Action C7: Reconstruction of service roads
The dried mud was used to reconstruct roads in the projekt area, in order to grant easier access to the work areas.
Action C8: Suppression of invasive species
Supression works in the project area begun in March 2014, with Robinia, Ailantus, Serotina, Acer, Solidago as the targeted species. Until now a total of more than 250 ha was treated with repetitions. The listed species regenerate quickly, their control in the following years is important.
From July 2016 a chemical supression was done in three forest details against Serotina and Ailantus.