Action E.1: Online Communication
The project website is ready to operate, news and progress of the actions are frequently updated.
Action E.2: Installation of gates, informational and notice boards
Gates and information and notice boards are already installed, therefore the action could be considered completed.
Action E.3: Development of an educational trail
By the 15th June 2016, the new Erdőkerülő educational trail has been terminated.
Action E.4: Media work
The first press conference was implemented on 4th December 2013.
The second press conference was held 27th October 2015.
In March 2016, the 3rd press release has been sent out.
8th July 2016, the 4rd press release has been sent out.
A short video on the project has been delivered in German.
Action E.5: Publishing of informational material
Brochures, flyers and maps about the project were printed.
Action E.6: Public information meetings
Involving the public in the course of a public information meeting started on 6th November 2013.
The second public information meeting took place on 27th October 2015.
Action E.7: Guided excursions for the public
The first guided tour was implemented on 28th July 2016.
Action E.8: Publishing layman's report
Action E.9: Post project communication plan
Action E.10: International conference
The date of conference: 29-30.05.2018.