Action F.1: Project management and monitoring of project progress (administrative, technical and financial)

A well-prepared project management staff will ensure the sound management and administration of the project. The details of the collaboration of the beneficiaries will be set in a separate document, the Partnership Agreement. The progress of the project implementation is going to be supervised by the responsible partner of the particular action. Monitoring the financial progress of the project (project administration) will be carried out by an external project management company that will be also responsible for the reporting to the European Commission.

Planned implementation period: September 2013 – August 2018 


Action F.2: Steering Committee

The Steering Group of the project will be responsible for making executive decisions regarding project implementation and for providing guidelines for the project management. It will consist of 5 personnel: 3 executive officers of the co-ordinating beneficiary; 2 executive officers appointed by ERTI or their endorsed representatives. Having a consultation role but not the right for voting, the subcontracted Project Manager, the Financial Manager, the delegate of the Hungarian Ministry of Rural Development and the delegate of the Hungarian Ministry of Defence may also attend. The Steering Group will meet every six months, and will be considered quorate if at least 3 out of the 5 group members gather at the meeting. Decisions regarding project implementation will be made using simple majority voting system except for budgetary issues that require unanimous voting.

Planned implementation period: September 2013 – June 2018 


Action F.3: Training, workshops and meetings for the project beneficiaries' staff

This action aims to educate forestry personnel about environmental protection and nature conservation issues, to raise their level of awareness and prevent harmful activities due to lack of information and understanding. The programme of training will include: nature protection regulations, guidelines for environmentally friendly forestry operations. Two days of training will be held for all colleagues working on the project and for those, who are involved in the management of the project area.

Planned implementation period: September 2013 – March 2014 


Action F.4: Networking with other LIFE and/or non-LIFE projects

The measure of success for the project is its added value to environmental protection in the EU. Whereas traditional communication tools can raise general awareness and public acceptance the most effective method for knowledge transfer to international environmental professionals and stakeholders is through interactive communication and on site demonstration based on strong professional bonds. Forestry related environmental conservations projects have been an emphatic part of the LIFE+ programme in the near past and there are several successful executed examples to learn from. Therefore, we plan to initiate communication to successful related LIFE+ project actors and initiate a forum for the exchange of experience. International visits can be participation at a conference organised around a LIFE+ project, small group study visit to a LIFE+ project site dealing with similar problems or the previous travels for the sake of internationally significant nature protection and forestry projects.

Planned implementation period: September 2013 – August 2018 


Action F.5: External audit

As a compulsory action of LIFE+ projects, external audit aims to verify the accordance of the project bookkeeping to the requirements of national legislation and accounting rules as well as certify that all costs incurred do respect the LIFE+ Common Provision.

Planned implementation period: April 2018 – June 2018


Action F.6: After-LIFE Conservation Plan

In order to guarantee long-term impact of the project and for the subsequent elaboration of an After-Life Conservation Plan (separately from the LIFE+ funded part of the project) it has to be ensured that LIFE project funds are spent sustainable. The plan will focus on environmental protection practice, project management and (post project) communication tools. The plan will provide detailed information on the proposed actions, responsible bodies for the actions and the deadlines. The financial aspects of carrying out such activities will also be touched in the plan. 

Planned implementation period: April 2018 – June 2018 


Action F.7: Potential synergy LIFE-EEOP

The action aims to overview the synergies of project “Szentai-erdő kiemelt jelentőségű természetmegőrzési terület élőhelyfejlesztése a HM Kaszó Zrt. Törzsterületén” - “Habitat development of SCI Szentai-erdő in the core area of HM Kaszó Company” submitted to the funds of the Environment and Economy Operational Programme and the LIFE+ project.

Planned implementation period: September 2013 – August 2018